A retake button has been added to workers profiles with Hybrid Orientations.
Hybrid Orientations now has date stamped theory only record added as soon as online portion taken.
Monthly report data includes reporting on Micro-lessons, Leading Edge Permits, Orientations and Site Inspections
Option to download toolbox talks without the signatures to speed up download
Option to add notes to the DHA table page
Updated UX on employer admin page. Addition of "add workers" button
Training by role matrix enabled for tower crane operators. List of certificate training and procedure review required populates workers profile once role of "crane operator" is selected.
Add whole site option now on DHA sign off sheets
4 analytics have been added to the orientation module. % completed, Visitor VRS full (hybrid only), Top month, Top employer
Review of the CORE of Supervision Module 6 of 6
How to use the task/ equipment inspeciton module
Leading edge permit - update to allow multiple images
Email last inspection report button added - allows emailing multiple inspection reports from task/ equipment list of profiles
1. Verified orientations added 2. Verified orientations allow upload of training records for employers 3. Student profiles/ Safety and Task Specific Training - Students who have taken either The CORE of Fall Protection, The CORE of Confined Space, The CORE of JOHS or The CORE of Supervision have access to the course student manuals until the course expiry date 4. Hybrid orientation - ability to have additional courses added automatically at end of orientation - example WHMIS and Ladder safety 5. Hybrid orientation on site - talking points are now sorted numerically 6. Permits - Leading edge permit re-formatted to show all columns 7. Permits - Leading edge permit - added reason for rejection status 8. Task/ equipment inspections - added “ Weekly Supervisor Review” as a result/ status of inspection